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Beginning with this issue of TIP'S, we offer a new benefit of reading TIP'S webzine - ready made lesson plans. All of us who teach know how many demands on our time and resources there are each week in school. All too often making new lesson plans to add to our repertoire gets pushed to the back burner - it's something to be done later after the end of committee meetings, student conferences, grading papers, doing report cards, meeting with parents, planing school programs, and the myriad other projects that we try to juggle in our professional and personal lives. With this in mind, we will be adding a lesson plan section which will be placed in the TIP'S resource area. Now my personal little cache of lesson plans is, with the exception of a few computer lesson plans, hopelessly outdated. I plan on offering as many as I still have on my hard drive, but it is my hope that TIP'S readers will help make this new offering highly successful. Educators, especially international educators who don't always have ready access to resources, work best by working cooperatively. Only you can make TIP'S Lesson Plans work. You can send your lesson plans to me at in any format - Mac or PC. You can include them in the body of an e-mail, or you can attach them to your e-mail as a document. I work on both a Mac and a PC and I generally use Word or ClarisWorks (I think that it is now called AppleWorks).
These lesson plans are intended to introduce students to the basics of Adobe Photoshop. I have used Photoshop with students when working on images that they wish to use on their web pages. While Photoshop is a widely used professional program, with some adaptations middle school students can learn how to use this program to create interesting special effects for their web-based projects. Additionally, I have found Photoshop to be an excellent program to use when teaching students about the use of images in advertising. Once a student discovers that they can change "reality" by manipulating images to include additional elements that were not part of the original image, a new world opens up: they can see concretely how their favorite movies, videos and ads were created. By learning how images can be retouched, enhanced, warped, and morphed, students enter a new level of awareness of what "seeing" means.
1. Go to Adobe Photoshop on your hard drive. Open it.
2. Go to the File Menu and select Open.
3. Go to the Tutorial Folder and select Frames.
4. Select the Zoom Tool from the Toolbox. Click one time. The size in the title bar should say 1:1.
5. Click in the zoom box in the upper right corner of the window.
6. Select the dancing ants tool. Drag the tool from the upper left corner in the 9th box down to the lower right corner.
7. Go to the Edit Menu and select Cut.
8. Select the fourth frame with the dancing ants tool. Drag it to the empty frame
9. Go the the Edit Menu and select Paste. Position the image in the 4th frame.
10. Go to the File Menu and choose Save As. Name it Frames1.
11. Select the Zoom Tool. Position it in the upper left corner of the 4th frame. Drag down to the lower right corner of the frame. Release the mouse button.
12. Double click on the dancing ants tool. Find the Marquee Palette and the Shape menu. Select elliptical.
13. Place the pointer in the center of the blue filter. Hold down the Option and Shift keys and drag.
14. Release the mouse button first. Then release the Shift and Option keys.
15. Hold down the Open Apple and Shift keys and put the pointer inside the filter. Drag the selection border until it looks like a good fit. Release the mouse first and then the keys.
16. Hold down the Option key and the mouse button and drag the filter onto the cloth. Release the Option key and then the mouse button.
17. Click anywhere to deselect everything.
18. Select the Eraser tool. Erase the new filter. You see the white background.
19. Find the Eraser Options palette and select Erase to Save. Now try to erase the blue filter.
20. End Lesson.
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