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Adobe Photoshop
Lesson 2

Go to Lesson 1

1. Go to Adobe Photoshop on your hard drive. Open it.

2. Go to the File Menu and select Open.

3. Go to the Tutorial Folder and select Frames.

4. Select the Zoom Tool from the Toolbox. Click one time. The size in the title bar should say 1:1.

5. Go to the Windows Menu and find Palettes. Select the Show Info palette.

6. Put the cursor on the Plus sign in the Info palette. Click on it and select Inches.

7. Double click on the Dancing Ants tool in the Tool Box. Go to the Marquee Options palette and click on Shapes and select Elliptical.

8. Click in the upper left hand corner of the frame with the fruit bowl and drag down toward the left until the selection is about 2 inches wide and 1.7 inches high. Use the values in the bottom of the Info palette to tell the size.

9. Go to the Edit Menu and copy. Click anywhere to deselect the image.

10. Select the Zoom Tool and drag over the frame with the camera.

11. Select the Lasso Tool from the Toolbox.

12. Hold down the Option key and click one time on the upper left of the ground glass plate in the camera.

13. Do not drag the mouse. Click in the upper right corner of the plate. Then click in the lower right and the lower left.

14. Click again at the point where you began. Release the Option key.

15. Go to the Edit Menu and select Paste Into. Do not deselect the image.

16. Go to the Image Menu and select Effects and Scale.

17. Hold down the Shift key and drag the upper right hand box diagonally toward the center of the image. Stop when the percentage at the bottom reaches 60.

18. Release the mouse and then the Shift key.

19. Click inside the image with the hammer.

20. Put the cursor in the center of the image and drag it into the ground glass. Do not deselect the image.

21. Go to the Image Menu and select Rotate and Free.

22. Put the cursor on one of the handles and rotate counterclockwise. Stop when the angle reaches -138. Do not deselect the image.

23. Go to the Widows Menu and select Palettes and Layers.

24. Drag the Opacity slider to 50%. Click outside the image to deselect it.

25. Double click on the Zoom Tool to shrink the image.

26. Lesson Finished.



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